I’ve been thinking about this game and its towns for years now. The one with the music that never changes, where the people go about their routines so rigidly, that it almost becomes comforting. They just keep moving. They’re brushing paths, setting tables, rehearsing dances. Clock town isn’t big, or beautiful, or even particularly warm, but for some reason it’s one of the only places in video games that ever felt like a real home to me.
Not because it’s safe, it really isn’t. But because of what it does in the face of collapse. It repeats, and carries on. It insists on its rhythm. It stays coherent under the impossible conditions. And it does all this not to resist the end, but to live anyway, despite the end already in view.
I don’t think I really understood any of this the first time I played Majora’s Mask. I was probably too caught up in the moon, in the structure, in the eerie stillness of that ticking three-day loop. But I felt that warmth, even then. I felt the comfort of familiarity, the kind of grounding that repetition can offer when everything else is ripping apart. You don’t need to understand a space intellectually to know when it’s comfortable to you. You just... eventually start waking up in it like it’s yours.
Clock Town, in that sense, is not just a hub. It’s a rhythm etched into the player, not the code. It’s not something you pass through, it’s something that passes through you. A town pretending it isn’t coming to an end, and in that performance, becoming something more honest than most places that think they’ll last forever.
The truth is, we all live in towns like this now. Places are already fraying and falling. Buildings that flood each winter, cities that catch fire, rent that rises like sea levels. And despite that, people still set up their little coffee shop playlists, open the windows, cook the same meals they love, do the same daily walk to the corner store. We keep the routines going. We build meaning inside those loops. Because what else are you supposed to do?

What Majora’s Mask does, quietly, is show you the emotional logic of repetition under pressure. You start again not because you want to, but because you have no choice but to. You learn not to fix the system, but to observe it. You memorise routes, you begin to predict the fears of people you’ll soon forget. You become the town’s only vessel of memory. And this is where the home part begins, not in being remembered, but in actually remembering.
Home is usually talked about as permanent, it’s stable. This place you return to, again and again. A place that is frozen from the changes of the world. But what if that’s wrong? What if home isn’t what stays, but what keeps us repeating? What if it’s not a location, but a rhythm you can carry? A shared song, a cycle. Something lived enough times that it starts to become yours, even if it never was once.
The postman trains each morning, the guards patrol their path, the grandmother tells the same story. Even that dog chases the same person around the square. These are rituals, and rituals are what people cling to when their structures fail them. I think about this a lot when I’m spiralling, and when the world feels like it’s slipping again. That maybe what I’m doing - making the same sandwich I like, checking the time every hour like I’m waiting for something, or playing that same comforting playlist, isn’t avoidance. It’s a kind of architecture I’ve built.
There’s something profound in the way Clock Town refuses any novelty. It offers you no illusion of “progress.” The world doesn’t actually open up more the longer you stay, what actually deepens is your perception and knowledge of it. The knowledge that the old woman will be mugged unless you step in, or that the couple’s wedding will fail unless you learn to speak their language of masks. The town doesn’t change at all, but you do. You become its keeper, and see its layers. And in that attention, and that commitment to care, a new kind of home emerges.
Not a home in the real estate sense, nor a thing you can hold onto. But a feeling that settles into you over time. That tells you, yes, this space knows and gets you now. Or at least, that you know it well enough to keep it all together for a little longer.
It’s not just Clock Town, either. More and more, I’m noticing how many games offer this kind of precarious ritual space, a place that’s already broken, already passing, and yet insists on holding itself together through repetition, mutual care, and pattern. The kinds of homes you don’t get to stay in, but still feel responsible for.
We’ll talk about those too, but we have to start here, with this place that resets every seventy-two minutes of in-game time, with its tiny acts of denial and persistence. Because Clock Town, despite being doomed, is the first place that ever taught me what my home might look like when permanence is no longer an option.
And in this world we’re inheriting, one of vanishing rentals, disappearing coastlines, and endless states of emergency... that lesson feels less like fantasy, and more like preparation.