Your Weird Matters

Embrace your creative freedom!
Please keep making stuff...

Unleash the Beautiful Unhinged

Hylics is genuinely such a cool game, both of them.

Why the World Needs Your Weird

The world doesn’t need another cookie-cutter masterpiece. It needs you. Your unpolished, raw, weird ideas are what make you irreplaceable. History has shown us time and again that the weirdest shit often lead to the most impactful revolutions in art and culture.

You have the power to create things nobody else can. Authenticity beats perfection. Let your weird light shine, even if some people don’t “get it” at first. Honestly, the weirder the better. Weird is the art that stays with us, because it makes us pause, makes us think and makes us feel. And isn’t that the whole point? To feel? To connect? To shake the foundations of the mundane?

Let Ideas Exist

Twin Peaks entrance
One of my favourite pieces of media, ever. Rest in peace, David Lynch. (Twin Peaks)

Embrace the messy stuff. David Lynch got it. His films nurtured weirdness, wrapping it in deep mystery, and dared you to feel something inexplicable. It wasn’t about answers or explanations. It genuinely thrived on the questions you were too afraid to ask. Like…why does this feel so alive?

You’ve got these strange little sparks, right? That one thing you think is too cringe or too small or too dumb to share. Guess what? That’s the thing. The thing that’ll make someone else’s brain light up like a firework. You don’t have to know why it works. You just have to let it out. Weirdness unapologetically exists; it doesn’t wait for permission.

Sometimes the weirdest ideas come from a place that’s almost embarrassingly personal. The kind of stuff that makes you cringe when you think about sharing it, that’s usually the goldmine. Lean into it. Not everything needs to follow tradition. If your art stumbles or feels incomplete, let it. That’s how creativity works. Messy, gloriously imperfect, alive. It’s about living on the edges, where nothing is safe and everything feels real.

Tradition has had its chance. The world doesn’t need another perfectly symmetrical thing that ticks all the boxes. It needs the unexpected, the chaotic, the unfiltered. Don’t apologize for making things people don’t understand. Those misunderstandings? That’s where the magic happens. That’s where art thrives.

Make That Shit

Play any game by Cosmo D, seriously. That shit bangs so much. I'd start with Off-peak because it's free.

Stop waiting. Stop thinking about what people might say. Doubt kills ideas faster than failure. Nobody starts out as a master of their craft. Start small. Paint something. Write something. Make that RPG Maker game. Sew a stuffed animal out of old socks. Just…make.

Creating doesn’t follow a straight line or a detailed roadmap. It’s more like a weird, twisty maze without an end. And that’s the really fun part. Every time you put something out there, you’re leaving breadcrumbs for someone else to find... maybe years later. That’s the legacy worth leaving.

Think about the stories behind those breadcrumbs. The zines made on stolen photocopies, passed around in secret. The weird cassette tapes recorded in someone’s garage and handed out at shows. Those things didn’t just exist; they thrived because someone dared to make them. Weird little ideas often change the world in hindsight. They reshape how we see things. They redefine the rules. Those sparks that don’t seem important at first? They’re seismic shifts waiting to happen.

David Lynch described ideas as shimmering fish that need space to swim into reality. Keep that magic alive by acting on it, by building the strange and surreal into something tangible. It’s never about the perfect catch, it's more about showing up with your net and just being ready.

And let’s not ignore the fact you need to freaking fail, it's absolutely normal. You're always walking that tightrope between failure and success, getting closer and closer with each step. Every time something doesn’t work, you learn. Every time someone doesn’t get it; you get closer to the ones who will. Make the messy stuff. Share it anyway. You’ll be surprised how many people will love it just because it’s unabashedly you.

Keep It Alive

Dead Leaves
Another movie I watched on a whim and ended up loving.

Weird stuff doesn’t always survive on its own. The world can and will bulldoze over things that don’t fit, which is why it’s up to us to preserve it. Makers and lovers of the strange, we’re the keepers of what could disappear.

Things like zines, indie games, handmade sculptures, digital art created in your 2012 Windows 7 running Paint Tool Sai. They’re lifelines for the creative. For people who feel like they don’t belong anywhere else, they’re tiny flags in the ground saying, “Hey, it’s okay to be different. You’re not alone.”

Think about the art movements dismissed in their time. Surrealism was laughed at, and abstract art was dismissed. These things found their way because someone believed in them, because someone kept them alive. Archive your weirdness. Share it. Find others who resonate with it and amplify each other’s voices.

Encourage the weirdness in others. Buy a zine. Support an indie artist. Leave a kind comment on someone’s page. These small acts create ripples that grow into something bigger. Art is about how you nurture creativity in others.

And let’s talk about community for a second. Creativity thrives in groups, so find your weirdos and create with them. Share ideas that don’t make sense to anyone else. Because in that shared weirdness, there’s strength. There’s resilience. There’s a refusal to let the world homogenize everything.

Leave It Behind

We’re all temporary. But your art, your weird experiments and your unpolished gems are things that can live on. They can echo long after you’re gone.

Think of the zines from decades ago, the songs recorded on old cassette tapes, the paintings rediscovered in attics a century later. That’s the magic of art. It doesn’t have to change the world to matter. It just needs to say, “I existed.”

Your work doesn’t need to scream and yell, it just needs to be yours. They're personal, raw, imperfect. That’s what sticks. That’s what inspires others to make their own strange, messy creations.

Forget about perfection, it’s a fucking myth. Nothing real is perfect, and nothing perfect feels real. Lynch’s work wasn’t perfect, and that’s why it was unforgettable. It shattered the box instead of fitting into it. Art doesn’t need polish to shine. It needs heart, it needs guts, and it needs someone who cares enough to make it.

Art doesn’t have to stay the same. The stuff you leave behind might inspire someone to pick it up and transform it. A zine becomes a graphic novel. A song becomes a movement. A sketch becomes a mural. Creativity doesn’t end when you’re done with it. It keeps going. It evolves.

Just Be You, Baby

Mononoke is genuinely such a feast for the eyes, I need more eyes on it.

Whether you’re shouting your art from rooftops or just making shit in your room, it all matters and should exist. Your voice matters, your ideas matter. Your weird, wild, wonderful brain matters.

The world doesn't need the same stuff regurgitated ad infinitum. It needs you. Your art doesn’t have to make sense at all. It doesn’t even have to be polished. It just has to exist. Leave something behind that only you could create. Years, decades from now, someone might stumble across it and think, “Wow. This is weird. And I absolutely love it.”

Go be weird, damn it. Leave some fucking art in this world before you’re dead and gone. And if you’re lucky, that weirdness will ripple outward, touching lives you’ll never know about. That’s how you live forever.